Eye Care Services Information for Patients in Wales

Last updated: 12th August 2024

Your service is provided by: OutsideClinic Ltd.

The responsible director is Mr Nick Wingate.

Our registered/trading offi ce is at: Stirling House,

10 Viscount Way, Swindon SN3 4TN Tel: 01793 642200

Web: www.outsideclinic.co.uk

We provide NHS funded mobile sight tests. If you are eligible for an NHS funded sight test, you may obtain mobile services as follows:

• At home: if it is impossible or unreasonable to attend a practice due to physical or mental illness/disability.

• At a residential or care home: if you normally live there and it is impossible or unreasonable to attend a practice due to physical or mental illness/disability.

Patients can request services by calling FREEPHONE 0800 60 50 40 If you have seen a particular practitioner before you may be able to request to see them again.

You qualify for a free NHS funded sight test if you are:

  • Under 16. Under 16, 17, or 18 and in full-time education
  • Under 18 who are care leaver or are in the care of a Local Authority
  • 60 or over
  • Registered as sight impaired / severely sight impaired or diabetic.
  • Diagnosed as having glaucoma, a family history of glaucoma
  • At risk of developing eye disease based on ethnicity
  • Uniocular
  • Hearing impaired
  • Diagnosed as having retinitis pigmentosa.
  • A Complex Prescription
  • A prisoner on leave from prison
  • An adult receiving one of the following: Income Support. Income-related Employment and Support Allowance, Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance, Pension Credit Guarantee Credit, Universal Credit and meet the criteria, HC2 (full help) or HC3 (partial help) certificate, valid NHS tax
    credit exemption certificate.

You may qualify for an NHS optical voucher to help with the cost of your spectacles or contact lenses if you are: claiming certain benefits or on a low income and named on a valid HC2 (full help) or HC3 (partial help) certificate; eligible for an NHS complex lens voucher; aged under 16; or aged 16, 17 or 18 in full time education. You have the right to use your optical voucher with any supplier

When testing your sight, we will ensure that all legal requirements relating to health and safety in the workplace are satisfied; and that we strictly follow the requirements and recommendations of the Medicines and Healthcare
products Regulatory Agency.

As a patient you have the right to be treated by us with fairness and with dignity. We will test your sight using sound clinical practice and using modern techniques and instruments. After your sight test we will give you your optical prescription or a statement that you do not need a prescription. We ask you to give our staff accurate information about the illness or disability which prevents you from being able to go to a high street optician without another person’s help. We also ask you to treat our staff with courtesy and to keep to any appointment you have made with us. If you break your appointment without giving us reasonable notice, we reserve the right to make a charge.

We treat all clinical information about your treatment with complete confidentiality, although we may sometimes need to inform your family doctor about our clinical findings during your sight test. We may also need, with your agreement, to refer you to a hospital eye department in which case we will supply them with all the relevant clinical details. We may sometimes need to make your records available to authorised staff from the relevant NHS body for whom we provide services.

When handling your personal information, we will always abide by the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 and the UK Data Protection Act 2018. Full details as to how we process and store your data are available in our Privacy Notice which is available by contacting our office on 01793 642200 or on our website www.outsideclinic.co.uk

If you would like to make a complaint or a comment, you can contact OutsideClinic on FREEPHONE 0800 60 50 40.

Alternatively, you can contact NHS Wales. By phone: 111 or by via the website: nhsdirect.wales.nhs.uk/complaints

If your complaint relates to your spectacles, you can contact the Optical Complaints Consumer Service, 2-8 Market Square, Bishops Stortford, Herts CM23 3UZ