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Looking ahead to 2021
2020 hasn't been the easiest year, but as we come to the end of it, we reflect on the things that we were able to achieve in the last twelve months. Surprisingly, despite two lockdowns and a health pandemic, we have still accomplished a lot.
We started 2020 in high spirits, with a celebration of our 10th Anniversary of Audiology and also successfully maintained an IQIPS accreditation for another year - the 4th consecutive year for the Audiology team.
Internally we have a brand new staff magazine called InsideOC, to keep everyone up to date with what is going on around the company. Many of our staff took the first lockdown from March as an opportunity to help those in need, including our Director of Professional Services, Nick Wingate, who became involved in making face-shields for NHS workers. One of our opticians, Paul Ratcliffe, created a bespoke breath shield to add to our optician's kit, which is still being used by our professional staff to provide added safety. We have still managed to raise lots of funds for a variety of different charities throughout the year as well.
We are very thankful to the small team of staff who worked through the lockdown, ensuring that the office was safe for everyone's return and that patients were seen for emergency appointments. As the pandemic continued, we slowly made our way back to work, and all had to learn how to work differently. Like many other company's around the world, unfortunately, we had to make some difficult business decisions due to the pandemic, with a reduction to the team that deliver glasses to our patients.
We end the year on a high note - with our exciting new trial of the new electric ID.3 Volkswagen, showcasing domiciliary at Universities and our recent acquisition, we are sure that 2021 will bring more happy moments for OutsideClinic. Optimism Health Group acquired the company in November, and plans are already forming for substantial growth and development. We are excited about what 2021 has to bring.